Visa Assistance

Genuine Temporary Entrant

All applicants for a Student visa must show they are coming to Australia temporarily to gain a quality education. The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is not intended to exclude students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.

Write a personal statement addressing the GTE requirement

As an applicant provide a personal statement in English addressing the GTE requirement. If you are not comfortable writing it in English, you can write your statement in your own language and submit a translated copy with your application.

You can provide further details of the written statement in the application form or attach a separate document with supporting documents.

We recommend you provide evidence for the information you provide in your written statement. .Generic statements unsupported by evidence will not be weighed heavily in the GTE assessment.

We consider your personal circumstances when we make a decision. When we assess whether you are a genuine temporary entrant, we consider your situation as a whole.

Ministerial Direction 69 (52KB PDF) sets out a number of factors we take into account when determining if you meet the GTE requirement. It is not a checklist. We encourage you to read Ministerial Direction 69 before drafting your GTE statement. Examples of factors we might take into account include:

What evidence and information to include in your GTE statement

We encourage you to provide evidence or information about:


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